
Become a member of the Beaumaris Bowling Club today and enjoy bowling, good friends and a great social atmosphere.

Looking to become a member? Please contact the club for a Membership application form.

Full Membership $300 Inc. GST
for new bowlers

Community Bowling $200 Inc. GST
Community Non-Bowlers $100 Inc. GST

Full Membership Benefits Include:

  • Eligibility to play Pennant Bowls and to enter all Club Competitions
  • Free coaching
  • Full voting rights at general meetings and eligibility to stand for committee positions
  • Enjoy all the facilities of the club and members prices across the bar

$50 Inc. GST *

Student Membership Benefits Include:

  • Eligibility to play Pennant Bowls and to enter all Club Competitions
  • Invitation to social activities
  • Enjoy all the facilities of the club
  • Free coaching

Suitable for any person aged not more than 18 years or, in the case of a full time student, not more than 25 years.

Community Membership
$100 Inc. GST *

Community Membership Benefits Include:

  • Eligibility to use our practice/loan Bowls and bowl when greens are not being used by playing members in competition or official practice
  • Invitation to social activities and those events nominated by the Board such as Social/Barefoot Bowls
  • Enjoy all the facilities of the club and members prices across the bar, when Clubhouse is open

Application is subject to approval from the board. Prices correct as of 27/3/2022.

* For full terms and conditions for each type of membership please contact the club.